Friday, December 15, 2017

An open letter to Chris Matthews of MSNBC on gun control

Greetings Mr Matthews,

I am writing you in public as there doesn't seem to be any way to reach you directly in private. I am among your viewers most nights, and have noticed your strong anti-gun views, or should I say pro-gun-control views. Perhaps you have not considered your position thoroughly.

Firstly, yes there have been far too many mass murders recently, including the Sandy Hook example you cite so frequently. Perhaps you are unaware that the mother of that homicidal maniac had tried to have her son incarcerated in a mental hospital but was refused? This is hardly the only example, virtually all of the mass murders or mass shootings as you prefer to call them, are the work of homicidal maniacs and I include the supposed "Islamic" murderous maniacs of ISIS and others of that ilk, truly a death cult and very far from Islam or any of the great religions. Do you suppose that Sandy Hook massacre would have occurred, had that man been locked up in a mental institution as his own mother TRIED to do?

Next you like the background checks as "the" answer. Well consider the Colorado theater killer, whom had PASSED his background check. How well did that background check work there? More recently, the Texas church killer had passed background checks. Background checks simply do not work, and make it more difficult for the law abiding citizens to purchase arms.

Chris, (if I may be so familiar with you) you have a fair reputation as a stout defender of the Constitution, yet when it comes to the 2nd Amendment, you seem to not wish to stand up for this most important of all of our rights. The 2nd Amendment is not for hunters to have hunting shotguns, nor is it merely for people to be able to have a small pistol for personal defense. Our forefathers had tremendous foresight, and foresaw the possibility that one day, the people might have to defend their freedoms from foreign invaders, or worse even from its own government! So they wrote the 2nd Amendment to include the statement "...shall not be infringed." That is a pretty straightforward statement, and those founding fathers wanted the people to have weapons at least nearly equal to those in use by the military and police. Not limited to a single shot weapon, or they could have included such a restriction, in fact not limited to small arms for that matter, for a fair number of people in the days of the Revolution owned their own CANNONS - cannons equal to those in use by the British Army and Navy. Our founding fathers foresaw that a people that is disarmed, or even limited in their choice of arms, could become subjects of tyranny. Perhaps you have already forgotten the massacre at Tianamen Square, when the Chinese communist dictators turned the power of the Chinese army against their own people, slaughtering them for protesting for freedom. The civilians had no weapons and were massacred. More recently we witnessed what happened in Syria and Libya, with strict gun controls left the citizens poorly armed to fight for their freedom. Don't think that it can not and never could happen here, we are already seeing signs that tyranny may well be about to blossom right here in America.

You have ignored the many thousands of times when law abiding citizens have used their own personal firearms to protect and save lives. More than once, a would-be mass killer was stopped in his tracks by a private citizen who returned fire at the maniac. The Texas church killer is a recent example.

In truth, every time we have such a horrific event as a mass shooting, it is an indirect assault on our Constitution, specifically the 2nd Amendment, as well as mass murder and terrorism. If you believe that having the citizens disarmed would prevent it, then look at the horrendous massacre in Paris so recently. France has highly restrictive gun laws, so the homicidal maniacs were able to slaughter with impunity, knowing they were safe from any kind of return fire except from the police, whom cannot be everywhere at all times. Look at the Orlando massacre - it was a case that would be right in your way of thinking, a public bar full of law abiding and unarmed citizens, protected by an armed guard professional, so the very first person killed was the guard, followed by the unarmed citizens whose only hope was to hide or escape.

You may think we are in the 21st century, too far advanced for "wild west" type culture, too modern to have people walking around carrying guns. Yet in truth we live in a rather barbaric time, facing vry barbaric enemies like ISIS, and unable to remove the truly dangerously mentally ill from being free to murder when ever they decide to do so. You and I are old enough to remember the days when if someone were talking crazy, saying they want to murder everyone and such, you could call the state mental hospital and soon a van would arrive with nice young men in clean white suits to take the maniac away for observation. I do not know why this was stopped, other than to save money. Perhaps this was part of a campaign to disarm the public, by allowing mass murders to happen and give the 'authorities' the excuse to ban firearms, as has happened in some other countries.

You never miss the chance to start calling for gun control with every mass murder. Now you are certainly free and welcome to your own opinions, but as you are an intelligent man I hope you will re-examine the facts, learn just how many times armed citizens have protected life and property, and the times when armed private citizens have stopped murderous maniacs from causing even greater bloodshed and havoc.

Keep up the good work Chris, I remain a fan and won't stop watching your news program over a single issue like this, but I hope you might change your views, on re-examining things.

My apologies to any of our readers here for the LONG absence from the blog, it has been over four years since I was able to get into my account and finally managed to get in. I will try to post something interesting sooner than another four year lapse. But just in case I am not able to get into my account again, I wish you good luck and good hunting dear reader, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


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