The Little Girl
August 19, 2007
Our little girl, Squiget, after her morning constitutional, decided to "check out" the property. She came across a few javelina, and after a great struggle to protect her property, and ridding us of the mean creatures, succumbed to the injuries inflicted by the javelina. We miss her terribly, life is just not the same.
Squiget, (our little girl), came into this world an entire day after her brothers and sisters, about 3 inches long, she fit in the palm of my hand and looked for all the world like an undersized newborn kitten. A doll baby's bottle was too big for her.
After getting some vital colostrum from her mother, we put it in an eyedropper, and fed her a couple drops every hour - she survived the night. Efforts to unite her with her litter and her mother were futile. So, the little squiget of a dog became a "pet" project. We did not name her, as we were sure she could not survive.
But survive she did - her name became Squiget since we had called her the little squiget for so long, she knew the name - and we had her as part of our life for 6 years, 10 months and 7 days. She rode with us, walked with us, slept with us, moved across the country with us and was one of our family the whole time.
We will miss her terribly,
This is for our Beloved little girl, Squiget:
My Little Girl
I can still remember, the day she came to me
The last one in a litter of ten, from our old Husky
You were born on the day after everyone else
October 12, 2000 instead of the 11th, like everyone else
You looked smaller than a newborn kitten, even though you were a dog
I was sure you could not make it, in this life that is so hard.
I held you in my palm, and fed you every hour
I waited for your life to end, but you had a special power
You were just a little squiget, about 3 inches long
I knew I couldn't name you, because soon you would be gone.
But you didn't go, you stayed and stayed
and after a few weeks
Your ears unplugged, eyes opened up
And then you gazed at me
Such a little squiget, smaller than the rest
But you knew that name, and who I was
God knows, you were the best
You grew up and spent 6 years, side by side with me
Riding together, sleeping together, being the best that you could be
And now this day, August 19, 2007, my world was torn apart
You met a pig, a fight ensued, and the results have broke my heart
You were always my protector, and I knew you would not let
those wild pigs into our domain, so you gave your all instead
Not all in vain my loyal friend, they paid the ultimate price
But by heart still breaks, as I saw you, protect us with your life.
So now you sleep, forever more, in the darkness of the ground
But you will always live inside of me, and you will always be around.
No matter how much I miss you, wild pigs cannot erase
My love you you, my Squiget dear, and the memory of your sweet face.
Squiget Decker - 10/12/2000 to 08/19/2007
Thank you God for lending her to us.